Modern HistoryBardoli Satyagraha of 1928: Role of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Causes, Significance

Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928: Role of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Causes, Significance

The Bardoli Satyagraha of June 12, 1928, was an important phase in India’s independence struggle and a significant event in the Indian nationalist movement. Bardoli satyagraha was led by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, is memorable for its nonviolent resistance against the British colonial government. The causes, role of leaders, results, and importance of this satyagraha conducted by the farming community are discussed below.

Causes of Bardoli Satyagraha

The main cause of the Bardoli Satyagraha was the excessive land revenue imposed on farmers by the British government. However, several other factors contributed to this unrest among the farmers:

  • Although the Non-Cooperation Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi was withdrawn on February 12, 1922, its principles of non-violence and the movement’s influence remained strong in the Bardoli taluka of Gujarat. During the Non-Cooperation Movement, it was decided that Gandhi would start a satyagraha from Bardoli. Even though this plan was not implemented, the impact of non-cooperation in the Bardoli region was intense from that time, and political awareness increased among the farmers there. Local leaders Kalyanji Mehta and Dayalji Desai had promoted the ideals of satyagraha among the general public. About 60% of Bardoli’s population consisted of underdeveloped Kaliparaj class Harijans. Inspired by Gandhi, many satyagraha camps and village organizations were established for the development of this underprivileged class. Literature was even created in the Kaliparaj language.
  • This Kaliparaj class mostly consisted of landless agricultural laborers or sharecroppers. Due to the ‘Hali’ system, they worked hereditarily as laborers for local upper-caste landowners. Under the influence of pro-Gandhi satyagrahis, the Kaliparaj were awakened against the ‘Hali system’. Public opinion was formed against alcohol consumption and dowry. Efforts were made to eradicate illiteracy through night schools. Annual conferences of the Kaliparaj community were held, and Gandhi himself participated in these conferences.
  • The farmers of Bardoli were already struggling due to crop failures and famine in 1925. But on top of this, the government revenue department had directed that land revenue would be increased by 30% (1926) in Bardoli taluka. The burden of increased taxes had worsened their economic distress. Congress protested against this order and appointed a fact-finding committee. This committee reported that the revenue increase was unjust. This report was published in the newspapers ‘Young India’ and ‘Navjivan’. As a result, the government changed its decision and announced that the revenue would be increased by 21.97% (22%).

You can also read about Kheda Satyagraha of 1918: Reason, Leaders, Outcomes.

Role of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in Bardoli Satyagraha

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a central figure in the Bardoli Satyagraha movement and earned the title “Sardar” (leader) for his skilled and prudent leadership during the movement. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s significant role in this Satyagraha movement is discussed below.

  • In the Bardoli Satyagraha, moderate leaders stood by the farmers and suggested that they pay revenue at the current rate and stop paying additional revenue. But pro-Gandhian workers’ groups demanded that the entire revenue payment should be stopped, otherwise the government could not be forced to change its mind. Ordinary farmers supported the opinion of this pro-Gandhi group. The ashram group had sought the help of a young pro-Gandhi lawyer named Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to lead the revenue boycott or satyagraha. After coming to Bardoli, Patel explained to the farmers that if they stopped paying revenue, they would face severe government repression. He would start the movement only if they agreed to this.
  • In February 1928, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel came to Bardoli and directed the farmers to take an oath to stop paying revenue. The farmers took an oath that if the government did not agree to accept revenue at the existing rate, they would stop paying revenue. Then the Bardoli Satyagraha started. The ideals of this Satyagraha were propagated by going from village to village and also through newspapers. He especially inspired women to join this Satyagraha, as a result of which peasant women left their homes and joined the Satyagraha. Even elite women did not stay behind. Patriotic women like Mithuben Petit, an elite Parsi woman from Bombay, Bhaktibai, who was the wife of Gopal Das, and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s daughter Maniben Patel also joined the Bardoli Satyagraha.
  • Vallabhbhai Patel divided the Bardoli taluka into 13 regions and assigned responsibility for conducting satyagraha in each region to experienced leaders. 1500 volunteers, including many students, conducted the satyagraha. News of the British government’s extreme repression policies, forcible land confiscation, etc., began to be published one after another from Bardoli through satyagraha newspapers. Satyagrahis continued holding meetings and giving speeches to keep up the morale of farmers who were breaking down due to the repression policy. As the Kaliparaj community and members of the Legislative Assembly also supported the farmers’ demands of Bardoli, the Bombay government was at a standstill. Viceroy Irwin finally directed the Bombay government to resolve the issue.

Consequences of Bardoli Satyagraha

  • The government became alarmed and concerned about the extent of the Bardoli Satyagraha movement. In August 1928, Governor-General Lord Willingdon appointed an inquiry commission, accepting the demands of the satyagrahis. This commission reported that the revenue increase was unjust and inconsiderate. The commission approved a 6.03% revenue increase. Eventually, the farmers paid the revenue at this revised rate. As a result of the defeat in the Bardoli Satyagraha movement, the Governor of Bombay, Willingdon, became Gandhi’s sworn enemy. In 1932, as Viceroy, Lord Willingdon took revenge by harshly suppressing the Civil Disobedience Movement.

You can also read about Champaran Satyagraha Movement 1917: History, Leaders, Role.

Significance of Bardoli Satyagraha

The Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928 had a profound impact at both local and national levels. This satyagraha movement was significant for several reasons.

  • This movement had emerged as a powerful symbol of non-violent resistance against colonial rule, and it clearly demonstrated that social and political change was possible through truth and non-violence. The movement helped empower farmers in Bardoli and emphasized the need for activism and fair governance in agriculture across India. After the Non-Cooperation Movement, the Bardoli Satyagraha emerged as a focal point for initiatives to prepare the exploited and distressed farming community, deprived of various benefits, and the general public for further movements.

Bardoli Satyagraha FAQs

What is Bardoli Satyagraha?

The Bardoli Satyagraha was a national movement led by Sardar Patel in 1928. It opposed a 22% tax increase imposed by the British government on Bardoli farmers.

Who started Bardoli Satyagraha and in which year?

On June 12, 1928, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel started the Bardoli Satyagraha in protest of the British government’s unfair tax hike on farmers.

Who gave the Sardar title to Vallabhbhai Patel?

The women of Bardoli honored Vallabhbhai Patel with the title “Sardar” for his strong leadership during the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928.

Sanchayita Sasmal
Sanchayita Sasmal
I’m Sanchayita Sasmal, with a deep passion for history, research, and writing. My academic journey in History, where I earned Gold Medalist honors and secured 1st class in both my Graduation and Master’s degrees, along with qualifications in NET, SET, and JRF, has fueled my love for discovering and sharing the stories of the past.

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