
Constitutional reforms 1858 to 1947


Government of India Act 1935: Importance, Provisions, Impact

After the enactment of the Government of India Act 1919, because of several important events that occurred in Indian politics, the British government passed...

Indian Councils Act 1909: How Morley Minto Reforms 1909 Shaped British India

In the administrative sphere of India, at that time the Secretary of State for India, Lord Morley, and the Viceroy of India, Lord Minto,...

Government of India Act 1919: Features, Limitations and More

The Government of India Act 1919 was introduced to establish responsible government in India and establish self-governing rights for Indians within the British Empire....

The Indian Independence Act 1947: Background, Features

The Indian Independence Act was passed in the British Parliament in July 1947 and granted independence to India according to the "Mountbatten Plan" or...

Government of India Act 1858: Transition to Crown Rule

The Government of India Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1858 to abolish the rule of the East India Company in India...